Tool Holders Technical Support

Scientific Cutting Tools offers several types of tool holders, but since the CRT (Coolant Ring Technology) Holder is the most complex, that’s the one we’ll focus on here.

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CRT Holder Information

CRT500, CRT12M1/8 NPT
CRT625, CRT16M1/4 NPT
CRT750, CRT20M, CRT22M3/8 NPT
CRT1000, CRT25M1/2 NPT

Adjustable Stop Setup Instructions

Removing the Stop:

  1. Using a 3/32 hex key, turn the locking screw half-turn counterclockwise to release the stop.

  2. Important: Do not turn the locking screw more than one full turn or remove it completely.

Inserting the Adjustable Stop into the Holder:

  1. Turn the locking screw clockwise until it bottoms out. Do not over-tighten.

  2. Turn the locking screw counterclockwise by one full turn.

  3. Align the locking pin with the keyway in the holder.

  4. Slide the stop into the holder.

  5. Turn the locking screw clockwise until the locking pin bottoms against the keyway.

Setting the Stop Location:

  1. Insert a tool into the holder at your desired length of overhang.

  2. Tighten the tool lock-down screw to secure the tool in place.

  3. Slide the stop in the holder until it makes contact with the back of the tool.

  4. Tighten the locking screw to secure the stop in position.

    Result: All subsequent tools will repeat the same overhang length.

Reinserting the Locking Pin:

  1. If the locking pin has been removed, insert it back into the stop.

    • The countersink should face the locking screw, with the long side of the pin facing the outside of the stop.

  2. Tighten the screw to raise the pin out of the hole.

  3. Snug the locking screw, then back it off one turn.

  4. Now the stop can be inserted into the holder.