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Feed and Speed Chart

MaterialHB/RcSpeed (SFM) UncoatedSpeed (SFM) AlTiN+Infeed per Flute ReamInfeed per Flute Spot Face
Cast Iron130 HB75-210200-450.001-.0025.0008-.0020
Carbon Steel18 Rc125-190190-400.001-.0030.001-.0020
Alloy Steel20 Rc70-135130-350.001-.0030.0008-.0020
Tool Steel25 Rc75-100100-220.001-.0025.0005-.0020
300 Stainless Steel150 HB90-100100-230.001-.0020.0007-.0015
400 Stainless Steel195 HB90-135135-300.001-.0020.0005-.0010
High Temp Alloy (Nickel and Cobalt Base)20 Rc30-125100-150.0008-.0015.0005-.0010
Titanium25 Rc50-100100-140.001-.0020.0005-.0010
Heat Treated Alloys (38-45 Rc)40 Rc50-7575-130.008-.0015.0005-.0010
Aluminum100 HB850-1000800-1500.002-.0040.0010-.0030
Brass, Zinc80 HB800-1200800-1200.002-.0040.0010-.0030

SFM = Surface Feet per Minute
SFM x 3.82 divided by tool diameter

This chart gives good starting parameters. Setup and machine rigidity may effect performance.

Common Problems

Rapid Flank WearCutting ConditionsCheck for excessive speed and feed (see above chart).
ToolSelect a coated tool
ProgramRemove dwell from program at end of cut.
Built-up EdgeToolSelect a coated tool. The coating will resist built-up edges.
HeatUse coolant through port tool. If coolant is not available, use shop air and a coated tool.
Surface TornToolUse a coated tool. On most carbon steels, an uncoated tool will not produce an acceptable finish.
ChatterToolHone cutting edge of spot face. Use a coated tool. Increase the chip load.
Light ChatterProgramIncrease speed by 15-20% (see above chart). A faster speed reduces forces. A dwell typically will not remove chatter.
Port Tool LifeAmount of StockRough the port to 0.97 inches of finish size.
PartMake sure prior operation did not work harden the material.

Sample Program

Let’s do it together! This guide provides the programming details for using the AS5202-4RA (AlTiN+) tool to cut carbon steel. Please follow these steps to ensure proper setup and operation.

Step-by-Step CNC Program:

  1. Select Tool:

    • Tool: AS5202-4RA (AlTiN+)

    • Material: Carbon Steel

  2. Tool & Machine Setup:

    • T51 M06 – Select tool T51 and activate tool change.

    • S2916 M03 – Set spindle speed to 2916 RPM, with clockwise rotation.

  3. Positioning & Tool Offset:

    • G00 G90 G54 X0. Y0. – Rapid move to the origin (X0, Y0) in the G54 coordinate system.

    • G43 H51 Z0.1 M08 – Apply tool length offset (H51) and move to Z0.1, turning on coolant (M08).

  4. Initial Cut:

    • G01 Z-0.6 F23.3 – Linear feed to Z-0.6 with a feed rate of 23.3 units per minute.

  5. Spindle Speed Adjustments:

    • S1290 M03 – Set spindle speed to 1290 RPM for further operations.

  6. Dwell for Spindle Slowing:

    • G04 P1. – Dwell for 1 second to allow spindle to slow down.

  7. Secondary Cut:

    • G01 Z-0.73 F10.3 – Move tool to Z-0.73 with a feed rate of 10.3 units per minute.

  8. Retract and Coolant Off:

    • G00 Z5. M09 – Rapid retract to Z5 and turn off coolant (M09).

Cutting Parameters:

  • SFM Calculation (Surface Feet per Minute):

    • SFM = 300 (given value).

  • RPM Calculation:

    • Formula:

For a 0.393” reamer diameter, RPM = 2916.

  • Feed Rate Calculation:

    • Formula:

      • Feed Rate = RPM x 0.002 x 4 (Number of Flutes).

      • This ensures proper chip removal and surface finish.

  • Spot Face Calculation:

    • For spot face diameter, use the formula:

Always ensure proper tool and machine setup before beginning the operation.

Use the correct coolant settings for optimal tool life and cutting efficiency.

Verify all machine parameters and tool offsets prior to starting the job to ensure accuracy.